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Literacy Zone

Do you wish you had your High School Diploma so you could find a better job or to advance onto college? Would you like to learn or improve your English? Trinity Alliance can help you make this happen!  

The Albany Literacy Zone is a collaborative effort between Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region, Inc., Capital Region BOCES, the Albany Public Library, the NYS Department of Social Services, the Capital Region Workforce Investment Board, Albany City School District, and other service providers.   

The Albany Literacy Zone Welcome Center is located at the Capital South Campus Center, at 20 Warren St., Albany, NY  12202.  Its purpose is to help residents in downtown Albany be successful inside and outside of the classroom.  Adult learners can earn a High School Equivalency (HSE) Diploma or improve their English-speaking skills via our English as a Second Language (ESL) class.   

The Literacy Zone and its community partners offer a wide variety of free workshops relating to Health Literacy, Financial Literacy, Legal Rights, and so much more.  The Literacy Zone has a case manager on site that can help with issues such as employment skills, resume building, housing, and daycare.  

Classes are ongoing and registration is easy.  You can call Shannon Cornwall at 518-694-4533 or Maria Huntington at 518-694-4567 for an appointment, or just stop into the CSCC.  We can answer your questions and find resources so that you can reach your personal and educational goals. 

Some of the services the Literacy Zone provides include:   
  • Getting you enrolled in FREE High School Equivelancy (HSE) classes to help you prepare for and finish the HSE Test – formerly the GED Test;
  • Getting you enrolled in FREE classes for “English as a Second Language (ESL)” in preparation for the US Citizenship Exam;
  • Assist you with resume writing and helpful tips to make you more marketable for employers;
  • Assist you with finding reliable childcare;
  • Assist with transportation needs to and from your classes;
  • Assist with nutritional needs through our food pantry;
  • Help you find a class, location and time that fits with your schedule;
  • And so much more…

“Like” us on Facebook for helpful tips and useful tools! 

CLICK HERE FOR A LIST OF FREE High School Equivalency Diploma classes (PDF) 

CLICK HERE FOR A LIST OF FREE English for Speakers of Other Languages classes (PDF)  

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Additional Programs To Consider