We Believe
Together We Are Trinity
Trinity Alliance Of The Capital Region is a major hub for coordinating and leveraging resources for residents in the most economically challenged neighborhoods . Our programs & services support the strategic and equitable investment.
Our mission is to provide services to the community that will support and promote healthy families, adults and children. Our agency is dedicated to improving the neighborhood as a setting for family life, contributing to health and well-being, and promoting education and employment as a means of self-development.
Trinity Alliance is a settlement house established in 1912. Our main service focus is on the inner-city of Albany and Troy, in neighborhoods where economically challenged people live and go about their day-to-day lives. Due to our placement, mission, and purpose, we serve as a trusted resource whereby individuals utilize us as their first stop in troubleshooting challenges. These challenges range across social need domains such as food, childcare, transportation, employment, education, health care, housing, utilities, and more.

Our service delivery system is organized into four divisions supported by a fifth, Administration: Alternatives to Incarceration (violence prevention, substance use disorder treatment, arrest diversion, jail based cognitive behavioral program); Health & Wellness Division (food pantry, after school/summer camp, crisis center, community health worker program); Community Based Services (early intervention home visiting services, early childhood language development program, foster care prevention abuse/neglect/PINS/JD clinical and case management); Youth Development (school age after-school care and summer camps in South End and Arbor Hill, drop in center for youth). The population we serve is often under/unemployed, economically challenged, residing in public and deficient housing, people of color/refugees.
We are a 100+ linguistically, culturally, racially, ethnically diverse leadership team and staff reflecting the community we serve. Our staff members are credible and of, for and by the community. Trinity maintains locations in the most challenged neighborhoods of Albany (comprised of the South End, Arbor Hill, and West Hill). Trinity has a long history of attacking social determinants of health (SDOH) on a micro-level, family by family, individual by individual and household by household, and by undertaking bold community-level policy and strategic change.
Trinity Alliance’s singular community-based (neighborhood storefronts) presence represents an anchor to the community and serves as an attractor for additional “hidden” community members who may need access to the early close-to-home primary prevention, family stabilization and neighborhood strengthening services offered by the FNRC. Trinity’s Jail Transition community reentry program generates internal referrals to the FNRC to address family reunification/stabilization and resilience-building case navigation, service provision, advocacy and information. Mass Food Distributions are a major conduit of walk-in traffic; the events distribute tons of surplus perishable healthy food from the Regional Food Bank serving thousands of families that are not in our official food pantry service catchment area. Trinity Alliance is a major portal into the neighborhoods for coordinating and leveraging allies’ resources to meet the needs of residents in the most economically challenged neighborhoods in the city of Albany.