We offer a variety of services, which are tailored to the education and support of our growing families in the community.
- Active Parenting Workshop
- Afterschool CARE and Summer Camp (ASCARE)
- Early Childhood & Family Support Services
- Foster Care Prevention Program
- Race to 10,000
Active Parenting Workshop
Seven-week interactive sessions on Mondays from 10 a.m. to noon at 15 Trinity Place Center in Albany.
Call 518-449-5155 x 127 for more information, or to register.
This program is designed to support parents who want to build upon their existing parenting skills and/or develop new skills using open discussion.
For parents of children ages 5-12 years
Seven-week workshop that will show you effective ways to: use nonviolent discipline, open up lines of communication, diffuse power struggles, stimulate independence as your child grows and more.
Session Topics Include:
- Positive Communication and Conflict Resolution
- Parenting & Me
- Parenting Styles
- Ages and Stages of Development
- Discipline vs. Punishment
Afterschool CARE and Summer Camp (ASCARE)
Arbor Hill Center and Trinity Place Center
Mission: To provide a safe, enriching and stimulating environment in which children and youth can develop spiritually, physically, emotionally and intellectually.
Description of Program: To provide children with a safe and fun environment; aid in the development of children, youth, and parents; provide scheduled recreational, cultural, educational, and social services programs that will promote constructive leisure time and enable our students to be competitive in the scholastic and work world. Children who are referred because they are enrolled in the prevention program to prevent foster care, receive case managers who work closely with the C.A.R.E. staff. Children ages 5-12.
Eligibility: Youth ages 5-12 residing in Albany; preference to residents of the South End, Arbor Hill, West Hill and foster care prevention referrals.
Referral Process: Application directly to the program, referral from prevention programs city-wide.
Program Sites:
- Trinity Center – 15 Trinity Place Center
- Arbor Hill Center – 47 North Lark Street
Our Program-Specific Outcomes Are:
- 90% of our youth will have a safe, structured environment such that none will be harmed communal violence as measured by physical health and well-being.
- 85% of the youth will maintain regular attendance in school and in the C.A.R.E. program as measured by attendance records.
- 90% will utilize leisure time in a productive manner as measured by participation in at least C.A.R.E. program alternatives such as drama, chess, tennis, arts & crafts, dance, science, and computer activities.
Contact: Greg Foskey
- 15 Trinity Place: 518-449-5155 ext. 109
- Arbor Hill Center: 463-1516
Special Notes: Special programs are offered in drama, arts and photography, intergenerational Latin dance, drama, indoor tennis, robotics and more. Many of these programs are operated through volunteers. These programs are among the first in New York State to become accredited by After School Works in accordance with the state’s best after school program standards.
Program Partners: Cornell Cooperative Extension | Volunteers | Love 15 | An Apple a Day | Albany Public Library.
Early Childhood & Family Support Services
Our staff takes the time to address the needs of the entire family. We Come To You. Call us at 518-275-0033 for more information, or to schedule an appointment.
Our Early Childhood and Family Support Services is located at the 175 Clinton Avenue and works with children from 0-5 years old, and their families, in the home using play in the form of education, language, cognitive, fine and gross motor and personal-social skills, to assess the child’s development. If you are an individual living at home who has a developmental disability, and are in need of assistive technology or environmental modification, we can help with assistive modifications.
Play Is A Child’s Work
Children learn educational, language, cognitive, fine and gross motor and personal-social development skills during play. Trinity Alliance staff will come to you with toys, games and books and interact with the child, while encouraging the parents and/or guardians to join in the play. Parents are involved during home visits and are taught the skills to continue this play beyond the 90-minute educational visiting period. You can also enroll in our FREE early childhood language program, Race to 10,000!
Family Reimbursement
Trinity Alliance provides reimbursement for goods and services, when no other means of funding is available, for families who care for a family member at home who has a developmental disability. This program is designed to meet the needs of individuals and his/her family, while helping to keep the family unit together in the home.
Assistive Technology & Environmental Modifications
Trinity Alliance provides assistance to those who can benefit from modifications to increase or maintain an individual’s ability to live with independence. If you are an individual living at home who has a developmental disability, and are in need of assistive technology or environmental modification, Trinity Alliance can help.
These aids can include:
- Aids, controls, appliances, or supplies (either communication or adaptive);
- Augmentative communication aids and devices;
- Vehicle modifications; and
- Physical adaptations to the home, such as ramps, lifts and bathroom modifications.
To be eligible, you must be enrolled in Home and Community Based Services, have a Care at Home for Medically Frail Children waiver, or contact us at 518-275-0033.
Foster Care Prevention Program
Call us at 518-449-5155 for any questions.
When the bonds of a family are stressed, the results can lead to deeper trouble – Family Court, foster care and even arrest. Anger and other issues resulting from such painful circumstances can cause hurt on all sides for many years to come.
Trinity Alliance can help. We have a program that was created to help families learn how to successfully communicate and enjoy their special bond again. Trinity offers REAL solutions, with a guiding hand to hundreds of families in the Capital Region.
What we do (based on the family’s needs):
- grief counseling
- crisis intervention
- couples counseling
- anger management for children 10-17
- parenting skills
- after-school programming
- mental health counseling
- assistance with: food, clothing, electricity, housing, adequate furniture, etc.
- transitioning back home from foster care
Each family unit is different. Our Clinicians and Case Managers get to know the family, and often meet on their terms, in their own homes. Together, they work on goals and what steps needed to achieve those goals. At all times, families are in charge of their own resolutions, with Trinity staff offering support throughout the process.
Trinity’s Prevention Program is made possible by support from:
Race to 10,000
Did you know that to make a strong start in pre-school, a child needs 10,000 words?
Many children who live in Urban communities start school with a command of only 900 words, versus their middle-income counterparts who start school with more than 10,000 words. Trinity wants to even the playing field and give ALL CHILDREN the chance!
Trinity Alliance’s Race to 10,000 is an exciting program geared for parents/guardians and their children, ages birth to three years old. Expecting women are also encouraged to participate. This program is a fun, activity-rich 10-week program to help children increase their vocabulary and communication, so they have a head start in their education.
Graduates of Race to 10,000
In-Person and Virtual Formats for Fall 2022! Next session starting September 12th
Mondays & Wednesdays, 10am – noon
Contact Nancy Lonczak raceto10K@ta-cr.org or 518-449-5155 x 140 for details or to register. Space is limited!
Made possible by the generous support of:
The Edmund J. O’Neal Charitable Fund
In Honor Of:
Dr. Marjorie and Samuel Hendler