Support Services

Support Services

Services that promotes a safe environment for all members of the community in order to eliminate bias, promote respect and understanding for all, and foster positive connection within the neighborhood.

SNUG: Should Never Use Guns

Albany 518 SNUG
175 Central Avenue
Fourth Floor
(518) 694-9191

3100 6th Avenue
(518) 203-7029

NYS SNUG is run out of New York’s Department of Criminal Justice Services and is implemented in nine cities: Albany, Buffalo, Mt. Vernon, Nassau County, New York City, Rochester, Syracuse, Troy and Yonkers. Born out of the tragic shootings in Buffalo, Harlem, Queens, Westchester and other areas in New York, Operation SNUG became the second statewide implementation of the Cure Violence model. 

A project of the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, SNUG was launched 2009 with $4 million allocated from the New York State Legislature. SNUG is currently funded at $2.9 million by the state. New York City also supports eight sites across five boroughs through its Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. 

Trinity Alliance houses three of these violence prevention and intervention programs, based in Albany and Troy respectively.  We treat violence as a “disease” that is spread by infectors, and we work to engage those at the physical and social epicenter of violence, by redirecting them into more productive lifestyles, preventing retaliation. The SNUG program in Albany began in October 2010, followed by Troy in 2015. These programs are fully funded through a NY State DCJS grant.   

“Like” Albany 518 SNUG and LLTY SNUG on Facebook, and follow all of the vital work we do in our communities, as well as upcoming special community events! 

Our Outreach Workers lead by example and earn the trust of our participants by showing them that a violence-free lifestyle is desirable.  Our two SNUG teams conducted a total of 226 mediations in 2019 – working with some of the most “at risk” individuals to help quell violence.  Our teams have Emergency Room access at local hospitals and are called in when a shooting occurs to mediate the confrontation that can lead to retaliation.  We also partake in community canvasing, as well as hold community events throughout the year, so that neighbors can meet neighbors. 

Our SNUG program participants are able to utilize all of Trinity Alliance’s wrap around services, so that we can “treat” the whole person. This includes High School Equivalency classes, after school care for children, workforce development to secure employment, parenting classes and anger management. Our dedicated Outreach Workers are often the catalyst for change in a person’s life, as they work to break the cycle of violence together. 

Our programs also feature youth volunteers, working to make a difference in the lives of their peers, while in their most impressionable years.     

We are proud to have been been selected as a 2021 recipient of the Empire Whole Health Heroes Awards recognizing our commitment to the revitalization of the Capital Region.

Call us at 518-436-1104 for more information.  Please include a copy of the Homer Perkins Center Referral Form when seeking assistance. 

Trinity’s Homer Perkins Center, located in the City of Albany, has a philosophy that understands that chemical dependence is a treatable disease that can never be cured, but however can be arrested, if the chemically dependent person is helped to achieve total abstinence from the substance of abuse.   

Our 20-bed, OASAS Reintegration Residential Program for men 18+ of age, is available to NYS residents who are homeless and meet the admission criteria for this element of residential service.  All persons admitted to Homer Perkins must be engaged in a OASAS Outpatient Substance Abuse Program.  

We provide a coordination of services with various community agencies for each resident, and where applicable their families.   

The Homer Perkins Center Staff will assist the referent, with referrals to various Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities.  Other referrals include Life Skills, Parenting, HIV/AIDS Counseling, Vocations/Employment, Work Readiness, Housing, NA/AA Support Groups and Recovery Events. In addition, we collaborate with other programs within Trinity Alliance in order to provide full wrap-around services for our residents, which allow us to introduce unique program options that promote wellness. 

Trinity’s Housing Resource Navigator provides critical assistance for Albany residents at risk of eviction. From application assistance to landlord/tenant mediation to direct financial assistance, our Housing Resource Navigator provides wrap-around housing security support.  

Our financial assistance provides a lifeline for individuals who have recently lost employment, incurred an astronomical, unexpected expense (often medical), or who have lost income. We serve as a resource to prevent families from being displaced or needing to seek shelter services. Our services are paired with budget planning and employment searches to ensure the financial assistance is an investment in someone’s future and addresses the root cause of the eviction.   

In 2022, we received an incredible number of requests that met our criteria for assistance. From January to May 2022, we’ve provided 57 cases of direct financial assistance to individuals ranging from $140 to $500. 

Housing Navigator services are located at our Trinity Headquarters at 15 Trinity Place in Albany.  
Call 518-449-5155 for more information.

Re-Entry services are provided by our staff out of Trinity’s Arbor Hill Center at 47 North Lark Street in Albany.  Call us at 518-463-1516 for more information. 

Re-Entry, otherwise known as Jail Transition, assists youth, ages 17-20, who currently reside in the Albany County Jail through assessment, crisis intervention, referral for critical service needs and post release planning.  The core of this program features a 12-session series of workshops that focus on a new way of thinking, problem solving and daily living skills, job readiness, and special presentations from key areas of the community.  

Our Cognitive Behavior Intervention (CBI) – Thinking for a Change  Program, at Albany County Correctional Facility, assists adults 18-30.  This curriculum addresses problem solving, cognitive self change and social skills. 

Individual counseling is also provided as part of the post release plan. Intensive support, guidance, encouragement and advocacy from staff represent a vital piece for our participants as they re-enter the community to begin a new chapter of their lives – as stronger, more empowered, responsible individuals. 

“Studies have shown that inmate participation in education, vocational and job training, prison work skills development, drug abuse, mental health and other treatment programs, all reduce recidivism, significantly.”   

– Bobby Scott 

Trinity Alliance works to house the homeless and people who are at risk of becoming homeless by providing affordable housing with the support of our clients through case management.  Trinity has apartments which are used for individuals and families in need, who may have a history of substance or alcohol abuse.  We provide case management, and wrap around services to assist with all of the financial burdens our clients may face, such as access to the food pantries, VITA tax, parenting classes, financial literacy and more.  Our overall aim is to improve the quality of life and promote independence for our clients/tenants. 

If you would like to fill out an application, or have more questions, please call 518-449-5155. 

“Stable housing and strong social support services can have a tremendous impact on people who are homeless, helping them to lead healthier, safer, and more productive lives. We know that supportive housing results in improved health outcomes and decreased emergency room use for people who are homeless, which in turn also saves money in the long run. This assessment is an important resource to inform appropriate strategies to integrate housing and health for some of the most vulnerable New Yorkers.” 

– James R. Knickman, President & CEO, New York State Health Foundation 

Violence of all types can steal your safety in the community, destroy your sense of trust and cause trauma

Trauma Symptoms 

Anxiety, irritability, difficulty sleeping, anger/rage, impatience, flashbacks of the situation, feeling uneasy in certain situations, jumpiness, feeling disconnected with the world, distrustful, fearful, depressed, difficulty concentrating, feeling unsafe, keeping to yourself, not caring, taking risks, using drugs and alcohol.


Acknowledge, Don’t Ignore The Impact. Help Is Not Weak.


Connection and Support Will Help You Bounce Back.


We Can Heal and Make A Difference

Victim service providers help victims rebuild their live. We can help you learn about your legal rights and options, cope with the impact of crime, access victim compensation and navigate the criminal justice and social service systems. 

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity (as defined in paragraph 249(c)(4) of title 18, United States Code), sexual orientation, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under  OVS (VOCA) and any other program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds appropriated for grants, cooperative agreements, and other assistance administered by the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC). 

350 Northern Blvd., Ste. 324 #41
Albany, NY 12204
(518) 203-3818

LEAD is an alternative to the traditional criminal legal system. It provides harm reduction case management for people who otherwise may be arrested for behaviors related to mental health, substance use, homelessness or poverty.

Learn more here: LEAD Albany, NY

Need our help?
Call Us - (518) 449-5155