Corporate Compliance

Corporate Compliance Officer

15 Trinity Place
Albany, NY 12202
Ph: (518) 449-5155 x 100

Any concerns or reports regarding compliance should be directed to the Corporate Compliance Officer. Corporate Compliance now has an Anonymous Tips Line, 518-556-6411. Please use this number to make an anonymous report of fraud, waste or abuse of resources to the Corporate Compliance Officer 24/7.

If you opt to make an anonymous report, no attempt will be made to identify you. If you choose to leave your information, every effort will be made to protect your confidentiality. Whistleblowers who report confidentially may receive updates on the status of the report made. Please feel free to use either the email or telephone functions below to report.

Trintiy Compliance –

Anonymous Tips Line (518.556.6411)


Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region, Inc. maintains a Corporate Compliance Program.  The Corporate Compliance Officer functions as an independent and objective body to review and evaluate compliance issues or concerns within the agency. The Officer ensures that the Board of Directors, management, and employees are in compliance with the rules and regulations of regulatory agencies, that agency policies and procedures are being followed, and that behavior within the organization meets the agency’s Code of Conduct.