Did you know that to make a strong start in pre-school, a child needs 10,000 words?
Many children who live in Urban communities start school with a command of only 900 words, versus their middle-income counterparts who start school with more than 10,000 words. Trinity wants to even the playing field and give ALL CHILDREN the chance!
Trinity Alliance’s Race to 10,000 is an exciting program geared for parents/guardians and their children, ages birth to three years old. Expecting women are also encouraged to participate. This program is a fun, activity-rich 10-week program to help children increase their vocabulary and communication, so they have a head start in their education.

In-Person and Virtual Formats for Fall 2022! Next session starting September 12th
Mondays & Wednesdays, 10am – noon
Contact Nancy Lonczak at [email protected] or 518-449-5155 x 140 for details or to register. Space is limited!
Made possible by the generous support of:
The Edmund J. O’Neal Charitable Fund
In Honor Of:
Dr. Marjorie and Samuel Hendler